From expert tax preparation to transformative speech therapy to sophisticated surveys and data analysis, BW operates a number of centers and clinics that offer services and benefits for individuals, businesses and organizations in the community.
Develop a customized business plan, a money-saving sustainability roadmap, a cutting edge digital marketing strategy though our faculty-mentored, student-driven clinics and centers. You can reach out for one-time services or develop an ongoing relationship.
Centers and clinics that currently serve the region include:
Community Research Institute (CRI) provides consulting and research services to government agencies, nonprofits, foundations, community organizations, businesses and the media, including surveys, polling, feasibility studies and data analysis.
Center for Cyber Security and Computer Science Research is the clearing house for all cybersecurity and research activity at BW. The center combines three diverse groups in the Department of Computer Science to innovate on ideas, concepts and projects as they relate to Cybersecurity, Computing and Information Processing and Presentation.
Center for Women and Politics of Ohio is a non-partisan clearinghouse for information about women who have run for public office in Ohio.
Digital Marketing Center (DMC) works with small businesses to develop effective, research-based inbound marketing strategy including website design, social media strategy, targeted digital content, automated email marketing plan and a marketing playbook. City of Berea grant funding is available.
Speech Clinic provides no cost speech, language and hearing services to adults and children in the community.